To kick off Father's Day, the guys went and played golf. Steve, Jacob, Mac, Dad, Grandpa Ray and Uncle Elzo met at Cherokee Ridge Golf Course to play 9 holes of their par 3 course. I decided to tag along to capture their game.
The way some people play this may not have been the best place to be
Grandpa Ray shooting at the third hole
Jacob makes contact with the ball
Dad and Elzo looked like they were planning something
Another squirrel...or maybe the same one, hard to tell
Steve was disappointed with his chip shot
Elzo was proud of this shot
And there goes Grandpa Ray's ball
Dad's ball got good lift...see the ball in the corner of the picture?
On more than one occasion we were left looking for someone's ball
Mac almost left the course with this shot...
A little harder and Elzo's ball would have been in the street
Mac was really concentrating on his shot, I'm not sure he saw Steve coming...
At least he can laugh about it
Grandpa Ray gets his ball onto the green
He was wrong! Jacob's ball landed at the edge of the green.
Dad took a little dirt with his ball
Elzo taking a moment to hold the flag